Monday, May 12, 2008

Do cats like water

It was the running of the bulls. 100 raging bulls were let out into the dusty Spanish street. I watched the rampaging bulls anything that tried to hinder their path. As the dust cleared I saw and overfed cat the size of a cow with fake bone horn elephant glued to its head. It looked sad and lonely so I went outside to take a look. I could tell it was a nice cat by the way it was stamping its feet on the ground and staring at me angrily with its evil red eyes. I felt happy that I could give this cat a big hug and make it feel better. I walked up to the cat and stroked it on the head. Al of a sudden the cat turned into a bull and head butted me so hard that I went flying 10 meters into the warm water. 'Oh crap' I thought as I saw the bull follow me into the water. It landed right n my head and everything went black!

I awoke to my best friend slapping me as hard as he could. 'I'm awake idiot' I said. He told me that while I was unconscious the bull had chewed off my arm. I wasn't worried one bit. It would grow back with some of the miracle cream one of the student doctors was going to selling me for a bargain of $100 a tube. It smells a bit like Vegemite and gravy but I know that its just the magic trying to heal me.

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