Thursday, May 15, 2008


i have no idea what to blog about so I'm am going to tell you about food.

My favourite foods are pizza, butter chicken, Chinese stir fry, fish n chips and milk.
Milk is so nice and yummy because it has a good texture and it tastes better and is not boring like water. The best milk is full fat milk. The worst milk is the green bottled stuff which is basically water with white food colouring in it. There is absolutely No point in getting that milk because they take all the good stuff out of it. Its like watering down juice and that's just wrong. I tried to drink 2 litres of milk in one go once but I go half way and felt sick. Well anyways milk is good for you and your taste buds so buy milk. And buy the cheapest brand with ugly packaging because milks the same. And don't buy the milk in cardboard cartons because you can't recycle them.

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